Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Poor Dooce

I came across a blog that everyone and their mom in blogland already knows about: http://www.dooce.com/

The blog features nothing less than the life of Heather who's a recovering Mormon and has turned to the dark side.  It's well written, funny, and humbly exposing of Heather's progress through her life.  She calls herself a crackpot, and she's right.  Yet, she goes about life looking at it through a tough lens, bearing all the time the proof of her vulnerability.  Reading through some of her material, I'm reminded of why I used to like Stuff magazine. 

Guy humor is so charmingly earthy.

Heather is the sort of person I would love to be friends with, but who would write me off as hopelessly goody-christian.  It's probably for the best, as she'd be able to sense my pity for her and go on the offensive.  I am not the most compassionate christian, which really belies my name, but I can't help but have some for Heather.  Maybe it's because I would be her but for the grace of God.  Maybe it's because she's so forthright about what she really thinks in such a humorous way.  I certainly appreciate her musings on motherhood/children ("it's less about crying because she's hungry or mean (don't let anyone tell you they're crying for any other reason, those babies, those mean, mean babies)"), and have even gone down the same mental paths in the dark hours.

She has a section in her blog for hate mail (people are so hateful when they think they're right).  She's evidently recieved many offers of conversion, as she warns against attempting such a thing, but says that she doesn't refuse Bibles that have her name emblazoned in large gold letters.

She's so lost.  She's so likeable.

I wonder how much a personalized Bible goes for today?

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