Friday, December 11, 2009

favorite blog post

Confession: I don't read blogs, I read books that are occasionally based on blogs.  When I want ideas for a creative project, homeschool activities or the weather forecast, I search the web.  When I want to read something entertaining, I turn to books.

I picked up a book a long time ago that made me laugh outloud called Why Girls Are Weird by Pamela Ribon.  Further research revealed that the book was based on this woman's blog.  Now, most of you (who are probably blog readers; since you're reading my blog, I guess you figured out that whole dashboard thing--can you teach me?) are probably like,

"Duh!  Pamela Ribon is a pioneer in the blogosphere." 

And I'm like, "Pamela Ribon has published two books.  She's a guppie in the book world."

Anyway, one of my favorite pieces of written comedy was contained in that book (the book itself was kinda whiny when not really, really funny, but that's kind of discriptive of chicklit anyway), and I'd like to share it with all of you:

Scroll down to the picture and start reading.  The writing is worldly, but not *too* profane.

I'm now interested in Julie and Julia by Julie Powell.  A book based on a blog that now has a movie out on DVD. 

I'm way behind the times.

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