Friday, January 1, 2010

Where have all the periodicals gone?

I guess you know you're not mainstream enough when all your favorite periodicals get cancelled.

Last year, when Cottage Living and Mary Engelbriet's Home Companion were cancelled, I thought the cut backs were all over.  Phew!  At least Cookie made it.

Turns out, that was only the first wave.

Now I have to put up with Southern Living instead of Cottage, and Lucky instead of Cookie.  These are pale, pale substitues.  Now I have no design magazines that don't consider 2,000 square feet a small house, and no parenting magazines that don't try to tell me how not to discipline my kids. 

I guess I must turn to blogs now, like the rest of Mom America.  I'm sure there are some good ones, but I'm tactile, people.  TACTILE!!!!!!!!!! 

Now I get catalogues, which is dangerous.  I'm increasingly tempted by all white rooms and starting to consider $300 for a side table a good deal.

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